Chatbot pros and cons
admin 13.05.2020 0 1130

Chat Bot is a program allowing automation of the recurring processes in your business (responding clients, sending orders, services booking, search for materials, content mailout, etc.) A bot operates according to a set scenario. It knows its business very well and is not even trying to do anything out of scope of its responsibilities. It’s a so-to-say highly specialized employee who impeccably follows the adopted work plan.

Read more about chat bots here.

Chat bot has substantive benefits which tell the difference between a program and a human.

24/7 Availability

A program does not need rest or holidays. It performs its functions 24/7 and provides the potential clients with the necessary information at any time of day or night. This way, you will immediately attract the client’s attention and will not leave him any reasons to explore your competitors.

Cost Reduction

In case of a chat bot, you pay only once — for the software development and, probably, for technical improvements if global changes are needed. This way, you can reduce expenses for routine work, or at least relieve your employees and direct their efforts to other business aspects.

Enviable Proficiency

A bot always has all the answers ready. The interested website visitors or messenger users will instantly receive all the necessary information. This aspect dramatically increases the chance that they will order your products/services.

Single Answer, Consistency

If many operators work in the company, there is always a risk to provide an interested client with a slightly different information, outdated data, or just answer the questions in a different way, thus misleading that person. Moreover, human factor enters the scene: emotions, fatigue, operator’s general condition may be not quite helpful. A bot allows structuring the information and setting up the exact answers. Neither emotions nor fatigue are in its nature. However, it is you who decide on the tone and manner of the response. The bot does not provide your leads with false information, and will keep them constantly updated.

There Is a Thing a Chat Bot Is Missing as Compared to Live Communication

Irrespectively of our love for automation, mechanization of working processes, still there are certain nuances a bot is lacking when compared to live communication. First of all, this refers to the limited functionality, inability to adjust to the situation and react to the emergencies. Also, some say that the bot’s answers are void of humaneness; they are perceived as artificial and unreal. Well, one can teach a bot to make compliments and jokes. But the question is: do you really need that?

You can also use a live-chat to help your costumers. We recommend to read our article «Chat Bot vs Live Bot»

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